Thursday 18 September 2014

How the Middle East is portrayed in the Media. 

The heading of this article gives slight hope to the audience about the conflict in Gaza coming to an end. The key word here is “indecisive” as it portrays hope that conflict will be brought to an end. The heading is formal and we can see by the image of the Mother holding her two children that the article is about a serious matter. Behind the woman and the two children in the photograph we can see a wall peppered in bullet holes, expressing the sheer danger these people are in; making the audience feel sympathetic. This sympathy helps the audience connect with what the author of the article is trying to say.

The woman can be seen crying in the image, suggesting that she is in a bad position due to the war going on around her. We have no backstory to the image so we don't know what has happened to her and her family but we assume her husband isn’t around for some reason and they are in need. There are no particular signs telling us what class the woman is but we can see her children are clothed well and they look healthy. This could tell us that the middle class have been hit hard by the war, as well as the working class. Through the crack in the wall at the bottom left we can see rubble scattered around, giving connotations of destruction and disorder. All of these small details are noticed by the audience and they are affected by this.

Specific language in the caption of the image is used to entice the audience into reading more, “Fifty days of fierce fighting.” This is an example of alliteration and it is used because it is catchy and rhythmic. Other language further on in the article is more descriptive to express the seriousness of the situation. Striking language such as “broken homes and shattered hearts” helps the audience understand the severity of the situation and how people have been affected at the same time. 

The text lets the audience know who are the people in the wrong and who are those in need so no incorrect information is spread. The families affected in the bombing are represented as helpless, dependent and weak and the people who are to blame for the bombing are represented as greedy, important and powerful. This biased opinion and description of what is happening in this war could be effective because it portrays the image of the people involved well.

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