Friday 10 October 2014

Examples of Representation in the Media

Examples of Representation in the Media

This is an example of the upper class in the media. In the image we can see the UK leaders being portrayed and represented as being powerful. In the image we can see they are well dressed and well groomed. This gives connotations of responsibility and formality. This was found on the homepage of BBC News, meaning this is one of the most important topics at the time in this country. The facial expressions of the men in the image gives the reader an idea of what the topic is about; issues in the governing of the country. This is a positive representation of men in the media.

This is one representation of men in the media, the programme Insane Fight Club. Found in the category TV on the BBC website, the image shows 3 men who are involved in a fighting club and subculture. The image shown gives connotations of crazy and mad men. The clothing they are wearing in the image is all black and the men can be seen wearing tattoos. These features also give connotations of insanity. The programme represents the men in a negative way. They are portrayed as crazy and the people involved are portrayed as crazy and mental. Warnings are displayed before the show telling the audience that there is strong language and scenes "you may find upsetting." This is then followed by a sarcastic comment about the fighter's sanity, this is used because it amuses the audience but it also gives them an idea of how the men behave in the show.

The film Lucy includes actors Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. This is significant because they are two contrasting people. Morgan Freeman is a black, older male and Scarlett Johansson is a young, white female. In the film. The scientists are all male and they are all older, this could be a stereotype towards scientists. Johansson is portrayed as a white, blonde woman in her mid twenties at the beginning of the film, her dress sense is casual throughout the film. This is important because people may connect and relate with this; making the film more believable. Another reason why Johansson may have been selected for this role is because she has been voted sexiest woman alive for the second time by Esquire. This could also be another marketing technique as there could be shots in the film that could be revealing; this would encourage people to go and see the film. Another that Morgan Freeman was chosen to play the part of the scientist could be how he is older and this could have connotations of being wise.

South Park stereotypes race very much so. Comments are made by the characters in the show that could be deemed racist but manage to remain in the boundaries of social acceptance. Strong stereotypes are made in the show, especially those toward race. None of the main characters are black and few other characters in the show are black but when they are shown in an episode they are scripted to make comments which could offend. An episode titled "Chef Goes Nanners" includes the black character Chef and his protest against the South Park flag because he thinks it is racist. This episode could have deeper meaning and could be in response to the audience of the show complaining about racism. The message behind the episode is that by pointing out racism it makes you racist yourself.

The programme My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding highly sexualises women and girls. No matter the age of the girls doesn't appear to matter to the families involved. Although this is how the girls are represented in the programme it doesn't mean that this is how they act. The programme highlights the negative side of the families and how they act but it doesn't include the positive side of what they say. Just because the girls are dressed like this and the way they behave it doesn't mean they don't have morals. Some of the girls, for example, save themselves for their husband. Someone who watches the show would not think this due to the representation of the girls. The things they wear, the way they behave on camera and the language they use doesn't portray this message. There is no doubt, however, that the women in the programme are highly sexualised in a certain way to gain an audience; this could also be a marketing technique.

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