Thursday 2 October 2014

Textual Analysis - Charli XcX - Break The Rules

Textual Analysis - Charli XcX - Break The Rules

The girls in this music video have been highly sexualised. This is because it will attract a wider audience and attention of the audience is captured due to the dress sense of the girls. For example this mid reverse tracking shot of the girls entering the scene can give us an idea of the style of the music and the personality of the girls. Everything from the short skirts to the hair style of the girls represent the their manner and personas. The slow motion effect of the girls walking portray connotations of how significant their entrance is. Also the jump cuts prior to this emphasise how insignificant the people before are compared to the girls; they are higher up in the social status in high school as this is the theme of the video. As this is the theme of the video the girls are wearing clothes that represent school uniform.

The low angles looking up at the artist when she is walking on the school bus show us how dominant she is over the audience; she has power. Close ups on the girls highly stress the importance of the sexualisation of this video as it is the main source of the popularity. Conventions such as a school bus and a running track ensure the audience know the video is set at a school. The long shots of the artist walking on the school bus tells us that she is breaking the rules such as the song title suggests. This is also significant because it emphasises the carelessness of the artist. Although this is a negative message it connects with the younger generations of today as they aspire to be like this as it opposes what they are supposed to think in this society.

The fact that this is video is set in a school also gives the targeted audience something to relate to as the target age range is somewhere between 13 to late teens. The rebellious attitude of the girls also gives something for these teens to relate to as they aspire to be different and try to break the rules as it gives them attention and respect amongst their peers. The lyrics of the song directly address the age range of the targeted audience, "I just wanna break the rules, boys and girls across the world." This direct addressing of the audience involves them in the song which makes them feel involved. Close ups shots of the artist's face are used so that the audience pay attention to the lyrics she is singing. Although the camera is straight the artist's face is slightly angled which gives connotations of insanity and instability. The quick straight cuts of the shots also gives us an idea of how fast paced the song is and how out of control the girls are.

The setting changes throughout the video as they move from place to place. The second scene is a lingerie store which could address how grown up and sexualised the girls want to be in order to get attention. This also gives the audience something to look up to and this isn't necessarily a positive message. A mix of lighting is used in this video as the setting changes. Earlier on in this video when the artist is outside high key lighting is used as they are outside and it makes the scene looks brighter, whereas when they are at the prom near the end of the video low key lighting is used. This sets the tone of the dance as it is stereotypical of the dance to be dimly lit as they are usually at night.

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